"More than seven years were gone since this little history of sorrowful interest had reached its close.
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time, but alas, alas, she must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
She had used him ill. Deserted and disappointed him, and worse, she had shown a feebleness of character in doing so
which his own decided, confident temper could not endure.
She had given him up to oblige others.
She had been forced into prudence in her youth.
She learned romance as she grew older; the natural sequence to an unnatural beginning."
Persuasion, Jane Austen.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

The hairy one!!!

Ho visto Brian May!
Porca vacca!
E' veramente hairy! XD

Era a teatro a vedere il nostro stesso show. E aveva dei posti waaaaaay più brutti dei nostri.

Per il resto che dire, sono appena tornata da Londra. Un altro We Will Rock You, altri 2 Wicked per il cast change, The 39 Steps. Il matrimonio del secolo. E chili e chili di risate, come sempre. E adesso mi mancate già.

Frase della vacanza:


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